Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Don't Call It A Comeback!

So much has happened recently and I just feel the need to write again. To be honest, a part of me wants to clean the slate and start all over. I refuse to do that. It would be like erasing memories that I purposefully recorded and documented and to delete them would be, to me, a type of murder.

The murder of memories. 

On that note, I want to share a story. A funny, cute story that I'm quite proud of. I may not be updating this blog twice a week as I had done before, and maybe I'll open up the drawers of my heart and mind someday soon in hopes to explore why I stopped writing and everything, but for now: a story. 

My daughter's "thing" lately has been knock-knock jokes. She finds them hilarious. One thing you need to know is that she is not very good at telling these jokes. 


But she practices relentlessly. Annoyingly. All the time. 

With each joke having the same punch line, "Chugga Chugga Chew Who!"

So I recently had to break up the monotony. It went like this...

Me: Evie, Knock-knock. 

Evie: Who there?

Me: Doctor. 

Evie: Doctor Who?

Me: Exactly. 


Evie:  DOCTOR WHO!!! Good one daddy!

And my heart melted.