Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Over Analyzing Kids Shows

Okay, so this is what I've become. I'm that parent. The one who has become so cynical, so judgmental of the shows his child watches, he can not sit down and enjoy them with her.

It all started with Elmo. I watched way too much of the red furred muppet with that squealing voice that I am now convinced that is what made me snap. He gets advice from babies, for crying out loud!

And what's with Yo Gabba Gabba? I used to not mind my kid watching that, but the people who make that show actually feel there is enough cause to create a whole show based on the concept that biting your friends isn't a good thing to do. Who are these people hanging out with?

SpongeBob gives kids A.D.H.D. If it doesn't, I'm pretty sure it gave it to me, because I can't sit through an entire episode without becoming annoyed.

I don't know, I guess I just miss Mr. Rogers and the days when Oscar and Big Bird took up most of the time on Sesame Street.

Bitter old parent, signing off for the day.