This morning's conversation.
Evie: Wait, hood. (puts her hood up on her sweatshirt because she apparently likes the look of it)
Me: You're silly.
Evie: Yeah, I know.
Me: What do you want for lunch?
Evie: Uhm, chicken.
Me: What kind of chicken?
Evie: Uhm... (long pause) chicken chicken.
Me: Well, that's not very specific.
Evie: Chicken. Uhm... fries! And a toy!!!
Me: So you want a Happy Meal?
Evie: YES!!!
Me: I thought we'd eat Taco Bell or Chinese.
Evie: No Bell. No Cheese.
Me: So... we're gonna eat Taco Bell or Chinese, okay? And not McDonald's.
Evie: (in sad, melodramatic voice) Okay Daddy.