Thursday, February 17, 2011

Here I am!

I know I said at one point that keeping up with journals/blogs was something I struggled with. Well, if I didn't say it, then I'm saying it now. But, have no fear, for here I am, blogging once again.

I may not be updating this as often as I would like, but I will shoot for once a week.

Writer's block just destroys my brain and saps my motivation. I will do what I can to keep that from happening again.

Its not that I haven't had something to write about. Evelyn is growing like a weed. And now I get what people mean when they use that tired, old expression.

Evelyn had taken a ride on an airplane four times since my last post. The first ride was quite the adventure, and by adventure I mean "Plug your ears and hide your face, hoping nobody on the plane recognizes you when we land." Yes, we became "THAT" couple, that dares to bring their child on a plane.

We were the most hated people in some people's world for about three hours.

I used to dread those people on a plane, and now I am one. Funny how life does that to you.

Life can be a jerk.