Saturday, September 18, 2010

And in a year...

We had an appointment with the genetics doctor today. Everything with Evelyn is great, said he.

The little shakiness in her legs, due to her being born premature, is completely gone. Her acid reflux appears to be at the point we can not test the waters of not giving her the prescribed medicine and see how well she sleeps.

In a year, we are scheduled to go back. Interesting story there...

The lady at the counter says, after we walked out, "So I guess we'll see you in a year. We'll schedule it for September [such and such]." My wife asks, "Is that a Friday or...?"

"It's a Friday," the woman rudely interrupted, "Would you like it for the morning or the afternoon?"

Okay, so I was kind of stressed about going to this appointment. Mainly because of my knowledge of my own stupid luck. Everything with Evie seems to be spectacular, so of course I just knew this doctor would find something to nit-pick and complain about, and try to make me think my daughter was less-awesome. Then, I kind of thought this lady at the counter was just a little snippy. Now, in defense of the poor woman, I really don't think she meant to sound that way. She'd probably had a stressful day, too.

With all those little kids crying in the waiting room and their grandparents fussing over them while mom and dad read the latest issue of Sports Illustrated for Kids - which, by the way, I did not know they continued publishing after I graduated from the third grade. So, after the fact, I can cut her a little bit of slack. I'm sure my wife did not even feel she was being snippy. Or rude. Or whatever other adjective you'd use to describe someone who just stepped on one of your few remaining nerves.

So she asks whether or not we wanted our appointment in the morning or afternoon.

I shot back, "It's in a year, do you really think we're even going to remember the day?"

She kind of laughed, then looked at me with an "Are you serious?" kind of glare.

Yes, I am serious, because believe it or not, I didn't schedule out my entire year from the point of this conversation.

My wife diplomatically plugged in, "We'll have it in the afternoon."

Here is a list of things that could happen between now and the time of that appointment, preventing us from even making it on that specific day, much less in the afternoon versus the morning:

10. A Zombie Apocalypse. Mostly because I wanted to make this joke and I've seen a few comedy/horror movies in the past few months and it has become a new thing with me.

9. We move far, far away from Indianapolis never to see Miss Snooty Nurse or the doctor who likes to find fault with Evie. Hey, it could happen. Where would we move? Who cares, its just a possibility.

8. We win the lotto and can afford better doctors. Not saying this doctor isn't great, but if you had millions of dollars, would you still take your kid to your HMO?

7. Our "real" doctor, Doctor Bryant says its not needed. Probably the most realistic one on the list, and the one thing that would more than likely keep us from going.

6. Evelyn runs away to join the circus. She can't walk yet, but those diapers belong in a freak show.

5. That doctor dies. Just saying. Not wishing it to happen, but hey, you never know.

4. Dinosaurs make a comeback and destroy Indianapolis. Aliens invade. Indianapolis is caught in the middle of a war between vampires and werewolves. Again, see #10.

3. We discover Evelyn has mutant powers and we go into hiding out of fear of what the government may do to her should they find out. Did I mention X-Men was on t.v. recently?

2. We join one of those churches that doesn't believe in going to the doctor. Uhm... yeah just know that this one isn't going to happen. Not having my kid handle snakes, either.

1. We forget about it. Okay, I take back what I said earlier. This is probably the most likely scenario.

And, that's it for my blog this week!