Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Puh... puh... POWER RANGERS???

One thing I've learned about being a parent is that no matter how well I know my kid, she still surprises me.

If I think she won't like one food, she'll love it. Once I think I've got her craziness figured out, she shows me there are methods to her madness. And, speaking of madness, right when I think she'll break down and have a fit, she laughs the incident off and prances along.

Kids are confusing.

I love the fact my kid likes comic books. She wants to sit down and watch Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman in the Justice League cartoons I liked in Jr. High. If a cartoon gets too violent, she quickly loses interest, but overall, she likes seeing superheros do their thing.

A few days ago, I was scanning through Netflix for something to watch when I stumbled upon an area I thought was long, long behind me.

Power Rangers.

Back in August I went to Comic-Con and the Green Ranger was there. He's an MMA fighter now. So there's that. That's the extent of my knowledge about the Power Rangers after the movie they made where they all got new plastic looking costumes.


Long story short, my afternoon was shot.

If you call watching one of the shows you secretly liked when you were a kid with your kid a shot afternoon.

It was like the whole "Doctor Who" thing all over again. It was fun.

And man is that show cheesier than I remember!

Power Rangers, not Doctor Who. I love Who's cheesiness!