Friday, July 16, 2010

Time off From Blogging

The last blog made me realize how sometimes I need to take some time away before I go into the twice a week update mode. So, for a while, I think I'll just shoot for once a week. Then maybe, once things get back on track, back to twice a week. Or I'll just update when I feel like it. For those who read this and think, "How hard can it be to keep a journal about your kid?" I suggest you try it sometime. It's both a grueling duty and a rewarding adventure. Sometimes one more than the other, and you need to take a break. I have taken one, and now am refreshed!

With all that out of the way, I thought I'd write today about last Friday. Evelyn went with me as I had some errands to run, and as a very dutiful child she participated with the utmost eagerness.

Our first stop was to Taco Bell, where, since she'd already eaten her lunch, Evelyn sat and watch me enjoy the "chicken club chalupa thing" - though I know that's not the official name, it was delicious.

Maybe it should be the official name...

Anyway, from there we went to the comic shop because, even though I don't buy books like I used to, I still try to be loyal to Captain America and one particular Star Wars comic (I am such a fanboy...). There, I was able to show off my daughter for the first time to fellow geeks and nerds as proof that I had actually had a daughter, and not made it up to sound like an even cooler person among them, and to display evidence I had, in fact, lay with a woman. Both of these things made me the one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind, but you know what? Who cares, it made me feel good inside and sometimes, your kids should do that for you.

Next we hit up Such's Garage, where we had our oil changed. It was here I noticed that Evelyn had somehow, God only knows in what manner, gotten herself as dirty as the men working upon my truck. I was reading an article in one of their outdated magazines, when I glanced down and noticed she had dried milk all over her chin(She had eaten about an hour ago at this point, so that must have been milk that made its way back out into the world from her stomach) and boogers and snot dripping and oozing out of her nose.

I had no idea where my child went! I looked for Evelyn and in her place discovered this small, smiling ragamuffin. I grabbed a paper towel and got some water from their water-cooler and cleaned her up. All the while she giggled and acted as though she had played some great prank.

It made my heart melt.

After this we went to the 1/2 Priced Books store and I picked up a fairly used novel on a friend's recommendation. Evelyn, of course, fell asleep at this point and just kind of sat there as I perused the books on the shelves and walked around like someone in a library you can speak loudly in... because that's basically what these places are.

She woke up by the time we got to the car wash, and even though I tried to tell her we were about to enter into the stomach of a monster, she just stared at me, unafraid. That's what my mom used to tell me when I was really, really little. So, I thought I'd try it out but make it sound scarier and maybe a little more fun. My daughter just stared at me, unafraid and by the time the "monster" pooped us out, she was back to sleep.

It was a fun day with Evie and we headed back home. She woke up in time to eat again before her mom got home, and even though she won't remember it?

It was one of the best days of my life.

And not because of the "Chicken-Bacon-Club-Chalupa-Thing."