Monday, December 12, 2011

Picking Up

Okay, its been a few months since I updated. I know things have seemed to have slowed down, but that's not the case. Actually, things have picked up and that's really the reason I haven't had a lot of time to blog.

You know, aside from the full-time job, being a full-time parent, and playing video games, I haven't had much time for anything other than - nah, who am I kidding? I just got lazy.

I'm going to try and update more, I promise.

With that said, and with the absolute forgetfulness of things I have blogged already, here's something that's happened recently:

Evie loves Ernie.

Ernie, from Sesame Street, was always my favorite character growing up. You know, pre-Elmo era. To be honest, Elmo's shrill shriek of a voice gets on my nerves, so it pleased me greatly when Evelyn has a choice between an Ernie or Elmo doll at Target a few days ago, she went gaga over Ernie and disregarded Elmo like he was the fat, nerdy kid at a High School dance (Been there myself, buddy).

Later that day, we had to go pick up a toddler sized bed someone had decided to give us for Evelyn when she's a little older. It was quite a drive to the house where we had to pick up the bed, and, having learned my lesson from previous long drives through the city with Evie, I took a small bag of M&M's for her to snack on should she get fussy.

Inevitably, she began to fuss and wine, but still snuggle with Ernie. I knew she needed a nap, but it would be at least an hour before we were home, so I popped open the chocolate candies and gave her a piece. The first few, she treated like a lion treats a gazelle, barely taking time to chew them!

Out of nowhere, as if she realized he must be sitting there wanting to enjoy the candy as well, Evie took Ernie by the neck (thus, probably choking him to death) and began to try and feed him the M&Ms. Ernie wouldn't eat them, but after he would graciously refuse, Evelyn would shrug her shoulders and pop the candy into her own mouth.

Ungrateful Ernie.

She never tried to share with me.