Thursday, February 16, 2012

You'll Melt Your Eyes

I did it as a kid, too, but this is ridiculous.

Evelyn will stand arms length away from the t.v. screen and sometimes even reach out to touch it. Which annoys me because its a really nice television and I don't want sticky fingers all over the display while I'm trying to enjoy a football game or some Doctor Who.

"Evie step back or you'll melt your eyes!" I caught myself saying this morning. I don't know if that's true, but give me a break. It can't be good for her eyes, can it?

My mom used to tell me it would ruin my eyes, and I do have trouble focusing them sometimes. This leads to migraines, which lead to even worse blurred vision at times. Its frustrating to think that maybe my mom is grinning every time I go to the eye doctor and thinking, "I wish I was there so I could say 'I told you so.'" Not that she would, but it irritates me sometimes that she could be so smug and not even alive.

That was meant to be a little humorous, so if you're not laughing I ask that you forgive my morbid sense of humor.

Evie has started doing what I used to do. Scoot back and the second a parent's back is turned, inch forward. Except this kid doesn't know how to inch. She rushes in like a housewife at Wal-Mart on Black Friday.

Of course, the real complaint is that she's blocking my view. No, wait. Not really. The real complaint is that in about five years I'm going to have to shell out a few hundred dollars to buy her glasses, which she won't want to wear, so I'll have to spend more money on contacts.

Its frustrating.

Here's a message for my daughter in the future: So someday, if she reads this through Coke-bottle lenses, I just want to say "I told you so" and now you can pay for your own eye-care.

How ya like them apples?