Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sing-a-long With Evie

One of the interesting things I've noticed about my daughter is her love of television. Its not completely unhealthy or anything, its not like every time the t.v. is on she becomes a complete zombie. She simply becomes a husk of a person when the show is something of interest to her.

Case in point: Spongebob Squarepants.

Personally, I would rather she never watched this show. I recently read an article that said that it can actually cause kids to have attention deficit disorder (or A.D.D.), and as I have an incredibly short attention span myself, I don't wish that upon my kid, either.

But, as it happens, she's watched it. We let her watch it before I read the article. One day, after this creeping fear set in, we were letting her watch Nickelodeon and Spongebob came on before I had a chance to change the channel. The theme song was playing and I noticed Evelyn was singing along with the theme song.

Singing. With. The Song.

Except the lyrics go something like, "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!"

Evie, on the other hand, singings, "Bob bob bob BOB BOB BOB bob!"

I don't know, I just thought it was a cute story to pass along to anyone who reads this.