Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I Confess

Some of these are true and some are not. Well, they're all true but only sometimes.

Confessions of a 2 Year old's dad:

1. After my nightly runs I sometimes use my daughter's Disney Princess table to help me stretch out my hamstrings.

2. Every now and then I "forget" how to do something my wife wants me to do a certain way, simply because my way is easier and faster, albeit sloppier.

3. I secretly force my daughter to wear superhero t-shirts because I want her to be a nerd like me.

4. If I don't feel like cleaning up a mess, I tell my daughter I can't find the ketchup.

5. Some days I waste hours looking for a "Parenting" app for my iPhone that will make things much easier. All I've found so far are apps that help me organize my stuff better, but now I have a cluster of apps that need organized on my phone. The app for this is apparently already installed, and is called "Delete."

6. I tried reading a parenting magazine one time a couple years ago, but tossed it out when I couldn't get our newborn daughter to latch properly. (This obviously goes without saying, but its a joke. How stupid do you think I am?)

7. My wife and I have already discussed what sports we hope our daughter will participate in, what kind of extra-curricular activities, and what age would be appropriate to have "the talk" and who should have it with her. We realize none of these things will probably work out how we would like for them to.

8. I can't wait until she's potty trained so I can stop changing her crap filled diapers, but when I'm in my 90's and she has to change mine I'm gonna make sure I leave at least a few good ones for her.

9. I have no problem eating her chicken nuggets when she says she's done with them.

10. My greatest fear is that my daughter will grow up and feel worthless, when to me she's priceless.