Friday, May 21, 2010

The Daycare Lady

So, long story short, we met with a daycare lady and it went well.

I'm actually supposed to call her today to make sure she reserves us a spot, and confirm that she's going to remain our daycare provider until forever. But I think I've lost her number.

The problem with daycares is that you are letting a complete stranger watch over your helpless child while you go about your daily business. These people have your kid for 8 hours a day (ours will only be for 5 hours a day, 3 days a week thanks to my work schedule) and you have to make sure you trust them not to mess stuff up.

For instance - you want your child to learn physics and they teach them basic math. What are they thinking? Like she couldn't handle it at the ripe old age of 7 weeks...

Perhaps you want your child to speak clearly and enunciate well, but they have a problem with their R's and L's making them both sound like W's. Doesn't mean that's wrong or they're bad people, but kids pick up on that stuff.

Or if you're a real stickler for the English Language Proper, and they go around saying stuff like, "Ain't nothang yer kin du 'bout ih, Mah," when what they should say is, "Mother, I do not foresee a solution to your dilemma."

Maybe you want your child to eat with silverware and plates instead of off the ground, but the daycare lady just throws bits of Kibble on the floor and lets the children fight over it.

We've heard stories. It's all I'm saying.

So when we met with Tysee (I really hope I spelled that right because I have to write the woman a check sometime soon) met with us last night, it was comforting to see the environment Evelyn will be staying in and good to know her and her daycare are not only safe but met our standards - which were set pretty high after the last daycare we interviewed at.

Speaking of that experience - the other daycare we checked out - if you happen to run a daycare, do not do the following:

A) Hire a lunchlady who has spent so many years smoking she has a perpetual fog hanging out of her mouth when she breaths and a voice that would terrorize even the most war-hardened marine.

B) Leave an infant just sitting in a bouncer, completely unattended on the opposite side of the room, alienated from the rest of the kids. Especially when that infant is big enough to get out, walk around, and burn the place down.


C) Point out the various places of mold hanging from the ceiling to a potential customer. Neither did we want to see that, nor will we bring our daughter to be a part of your services.

Because of this place, we decided that we'd be pretty picky. We checked out dozens of websites and most of them even dropped the ball. But a friend of Jennifer's at work recommended her daycare lady who, at the time, didn't have an opening.

I called her and we talked about it, and once she had an opening we scheduled an interview. Easy as eating cake and ice cream.

So we get there and look around and things worked out.

Plus she laughed at all my jokes, so she's good people.