Friday, May 14, 2010

The Genetics Doctor

Today we had an early appointment with a genetics doctor and a physical therapist for Evelyn.

I had flashbacks to her birth.  I didn't realize it before, but I have developed a keen dislike for trips to the hospital.  The reason being is that no matter how much good news, they always seem to have that curveball of bad news they like to throw at you.

With that said, there were no curveballs lobbed at us today - not really.

For starters, Evie has gained over three pounds since her birth and grew two inches taller. Hopefully, when she's old enough to read and understand this, she won't begrudge me for broadcasting her weight gains like her mother would do, were I to do the same thing for her.

All of her motor skills and the like were actually above average - no surprise there as any child of mine is no doubt born above average.  Seriously, she tested great.  That's not coming just from a proud dad, the physical therapist said so, too.

The genetics guy gave us our only disappointing news and that was that he believed Evelyn to have been born slightly premature.  He said he could tell because when he tapped her foot a certain way, she shook her leg a little.  He's the shaman, I'm just repeating what he said the chicken bones said to him. 

Either way, he assured us by the age of four months, she will be fine and all the shaking will cease. No big deal there.

We did, however, learn why Evie likes to eat every two hours and only seems to get a good night of sleep in her bouncer. She has heartburn. Reflux. Whatever. It's fixable with some medicine and she'll be fine in under a week.  So good news there, too.

Overall, I'd say it was a good visit to the witch-docotor's office.

Just kidding, I only say that because I feel like making a joke. He was very professional and even complimented my beard. So he must be good, right?
