Saturday, May 8, 2010

Running on Fumes

I know I have talked about our lack of sleep quite a bit lately, but the past few nights have been ridiculous.

I know, you're reading this wanting to say, "I told you so," but you can stop right there.

Evelyn hasn't been eating in her normal schedule, and her sleep schedule has mutated into a series of short naps. If I had an old uncle named Manfred, his behavior would probably be similar to this. You know, sleep here and there, eat whenever, and poop his pants ever few hours? That's what its like.

And when she cries, it is like a deafening banshee blast to my ears. Somehow, Jen is able to tune it out, but (God help me!) I'm going deaf.

This is transpiring every night now. For hours at a time.

Did you know that sleep deprivation is a type of torture banned by the Geneva Convention because it is so inhumane?*

The lack of sleep is not only affecting our sanity, its affecting our sanity!

Small joke.

But it seriously is wearing us out and we are both running on fumes. I almost fell asleep three times at work today, realised I hadn't updated this blog as scheduled yesterday, and actually did black out once on the toilet.

And don't make that face like you've never done it.

Long story short: I apologize for the late update and hope to get a nap in sometime soon.

*This may or may not be true. Chances are it is not.