Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mark the Date

Last night Evelyn slept for a full five and a half hours.

Since learning about her slight reflux problem, we've been trying to keep her propped up until her medicine kicks in. We've been letting her sleep this way, too.

It works.

So right now go and write the date down on your calendars, if for no other reason than to have a good excuse to celebrate. My daughter slept through - pretty much - the whole night.

Now, onto a different topic.

I truly do not mean what is to follow as some sexist commentary, or some keen way to insult, put down, or make a derogatory statement about the difference between husbands and wives, or men and women in general. This is simply an observation about my wife and I and how we differ in our parenting techniques.

So, in the true nature of this blog, I made a top ten difference between me and my wife in our parenting tactics list.

Why not, right?

So here we go.

10. She - The baby cries, she somehow tunes her out until she's ready to deal with it. He - Curls up into the fetal position and plugs his ears, hoping the crying stops soon and will give the baby a car when she turns 16 if it gets her quiet now.

9. She - Takes tons and tons of pictures of EXACTLY THE SAME THING. He - Takes a picture when the baby does something funny, only to realize that right when the photo was snapped, the baby did something different and less interesting.

8. She - Feeds the baby milk from her own body. He - will never, ever attempt to taste this fluid despite what anybody else says (Insert: "You've got to try it at least once" dialog from weird co-workers here).

7. She - Gives commentary on every diaper change to the baby who probably has no clue what she's talking about, despite how cute she tries to make her voice sound. He - Gives commentary to anybody who is listening about how gross this looks.

6. She - Drops stuff all the time, but has never once even came close to dropping the baby. He - Has never fumbled a football in any type of football game he's played in (To be fair, I was a lineman in High School and nobody goes for a fumble in "two-hand touch), but has almost dropped the baby at least twice, which now causes him to be incredibly scared he's going to drop her every time he picks her up.

5. She - Can wake up 15 times in one night for random feedings, diaper changes, just to rock her to sleep and can function normally the following day. He - Wakes up one time to change a diaper and falls asleep at his desk at the minimum of one time the next day.

4. She - Has discovered new applications for her phone to keep the feeding times regulated. He - Just uninstalled the Star Wars Lightsaber application for the fifth time.

3. She - Can feed the baby, wash the dishes and talk on the phone while watching television all at the same time. He - Can feed the baby and wish he had more hands.

2. She - Has lost all her weight gained from the pregnancy. He - Found it.

1. She - Is starting to dread going back to work and knows she'll miss the baby while she's gone. He - Is looking forward to her going back to work so he can start secretly teaching the baby about Doctor Who, video games, and comic books in an effort to make her a nerd like her dad without the baby's mom knowing.

And there you have it. I hope you laughed. I haven't really ever dropped Evie, but at times I think I have almost dropped her. Hence, I pay very close attention when I hold her. When Jen holds her, I should also point out, that though she may be asleep, nobody can loosen her grip on the baby.

So... weird.