Sunday, May 9, 2010

Evie's First Movie

Sunday night, Jennifer enjoyed her first Mother's day. Not to be outdone, Evelyn enjoyed her first movie.

We went to watch Iron Man 2.

Before you say anything, we didn't have to. Jennifer wanted to see it. Not just me. Evelyn didn't have much say in the matter but she must have loved it because we've watched movies from Netflix, DVD's on the Xbox and just tried to sit through one, thirty minute episode of The Office and Evelyn is usually escorted out of the room for an average of ten minutes whilst the t.v. is put on pause (Thank God for DVR) so she can ... calm her excitement, shall we say?

But through Iron Man 2, with all its explosions, yells and gunfire, she sleeps strait through it.

Robert Downey Jr. 1. Steve Carell 0.

The most humorous part of the evening though, Hollywood could not have written.

Right as we bought our tickets, the woman behind us - whose family and friends were noticeably absent - asked, "The Backup Plan for one?"

Without skipping a beat, my wife goes, "Awww..."

I knew what she was thinking, and later she'd spell it out for me anyway. "That poor woman was going to see a movie by herself. That's no way to spend Mother's Day."

And later still, she'd try to be optimistic, "Well maybe she was meeting someone."

I couldn't resist. "Who? The only other lonely woman from her office?"

Well we laughed even if you aren't giggling about it. I'm the first to say that we're human and sometimes prone to think or say mean things. It's not like she reads this blog and now knows we're laughing about the experience.*

We got sat down towards the back of the theater and Jen fed Evelyn. This was my first experience of being with her while she did this with nothing but a thin sheet over her. Wait, have I said that we're breastfeeding before? Pretty sure I have, but if you're reading this and wondering what the sheet is for, now you know.

I have to be a little too honest. If I saw one guy trying to sneak a peak over, under or through that sheet, there would be war.

War Machine! He was in the movie. It was such a great movie...

Sorry... ahem.... yeah.

It is just a weird feeling seeing my wife practically exposing herself in front of strangers, even if she's doing it to feed my daughter. That's all.

When it was all over we had dinner at Grindstone Charley's. If you've never eaten there (you're not missing anything in my opinion) it's a nice little place to eat. Especially if you're my wife and you want to eat there on Mother's Day. It is completely okay, I mean, if you are my wife and want to eat there but only on Mother's Day.

All in all, our first trip with a baby to the theater was a success.

We loved it and so did she.

Happy Mother's Day!

*If this was you, we are very sorry to laugh at your expense.