Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I realize I forgot to blog yesterday. It has been a pretty stressful week, to be honest.

It all started Friday when we were late on our rent for only the second time in five years (and this time it was seriously because we forgot to pay it). Then, after I had given the lady in the leasing office a check, she called my phone while I was at lunch and told me they couldn't accept checks for late payments, that they had to have money orders. So, leave what I was doing, go to the bank, get a money order, turn around and go all the way back home and pay this lady. I do this, but upon my return, the Leasing Office was closed. Evie and I go home, and this is where the Poop-Storm gained its thunder and lightning.

I locked my keys in the truck.

Before I was a parent, I never once locked my keys in the house or in my vehicle. Ever. You can believe me on that. Never. Since becoming a dad, keys get locked in a variety of stuff.

Jen bailed me out, using her lunch to come unlock the truck. She also dropped the money order by the leasing office because they were apparently only closed for fifteen minutes and I happened to catch them at that time.

Saturday and Sunday had their own problems, mostly work related and I don't want to go into that here. Monday, Evie fell outside the apartment as we were leaving for daycare. I thought she'd just bumped her head because she fell pretty close to the door, but I was in such a hurry I didn't even notice her scraped up knuckles. When I got to the daycare, Andre (the lady's husband who works at the daycare and an all around great guy) asked, "What's on her fingers?"

Thinking he was referring to the red nail polish my wife is so fond of placing on my kids fingers, I responded, "Oh her mom did that." and promptly left because I was running late for work.

I get a call from Jen wants to know what's happened to Evie's hands and why I'm accusing her of child abuse. I explained I had no idea what she was talking about - then it clicks.

I feel like the worst parent ever. Hate myself for not noticing. I take such care to pay attention to my kid, and somehow in my haste I passed over that.

Sincerely wanted to punch my life in the face.

Yesterday, Jen had forgotten her dressy shoes for work at home. See? That stuff never happened before we were parents, either. I get a call at 7 am and have to wake Evie up and go downtown. As a reward for myself for being such a good husband, we grabbed breakfast on our way home. Evie loves hashbrowns, and she ate about 90% of hers.

The last little bite I tossed in the dog's dish since he looked like he felt left out. But he never ate it.

Hours later, as I'm putting on my shoes to head to work, I hear my child exclaim, "MMMM!!!" and notice she has something in her mouth. I then realize two things 1) I forgot to feed her lunch and 2) there's only one place she could have gotten food.

I made her spit the dog's portion of the hashbrown out, and we grabbed some food on the way to the daycare.

She also got a special milkshake from McDonald's because her father is such a nitwit.