Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Funny Thing Happened at White Castle

I took work off today. I have some stuff I need to work on this afternoon and decided a personal day was in order.

Also, I had to go to the South side of Indianapolis and get my oil changed this morning. So after we took the Toyota in and got the work done, Evelyn and I stopped by White Castle (oh the diapers I'll be a changing later!) for a quick lunch.

As we set, eating our sliders and fries, Evie decided to do something absolutely hilarious. This is exactly what happened, I kid you not.

Evie picked up one of her sliders and began going, "Moo! Moo!"

"Evie," I said, "Stop trying to communicate with the dead spirit of that cow and eat your burger."

Obviously I do not believe my daughter is in the habit of consorting with spirits, nor does she practice any kind of necromancy, witchcraft, or satanism. There would be more than a spanking coming her way if this were true. I was only making a joke.

My daughter looked at me and in a very articulate way informed me very matter of factly, "Cows eat corn." She then began mooing again and laughed.

Where did that come from?