Thursday, October 25, 2012

I'm a Robot!

About a week ago, very randomly, my daughter walked up to my wife and said, "Mommy, I'm a robot!" and then began walking around in a very robotic manner.

Who taught her this? Where did it come from? Did she learn it at daycare? Did she learn it from TV? We have no idea.

At times like that, I start to really dislike having to take her daycare. I'm not some guy who firmly believes his wife needs to be "barefoot and pregnant" and stay at home with the kids while the man goes out and spears a woolly mammoth or anything. My mom was a stay at home mom for most of my childhood, only taking up a part-time job here and there to help make ends meet. After a while, my dad would want her to quit because he firmly believed a woman's place was in the home.

Look, I'm not my dad. I don't think my wife needs to quit her job (to be honest, we couldn't afford for her to do so) or anything like that.

Its just that, sometimes, I think it would be great if we were independently wealthy and could just be full-time parents.

Then I could teach my kid how to say "I'm a zombie" and then bite the dog. You know, normal parent stuff.

So, if anyone has a spare couple of million dollars lying around they'd love to just give to someone, let me know!