Friday, October 5, 2012

Time Management

I think one of the hardest things to do, at least for me as a parent, is manage my time. I want to sleep in on my days off - I don't get to do this anymore. I haven't really for about two and a half years. I want to do what I want to do, when I want to do it, I haven't ever really been able to do that all day, every day, since I started school when I was five years old. Now that I have a kid, I keep fighting this uphill battle with the clock.

I wake up, try to get myself ready, then get the kiddo up to start the day. That's the plan. Except, my daughter doesn't sleep in. Ever.

This kid is up and bright eyed awake, I kid you not, at 7-freaking-AM every morning! Thankfully, on rainy days, she'll sleep in it seems but those days are few and far between when I have a day off (today being an exception).

It doesn't help that I work late nights three days out of the week and days on the weekends. Not only does this constantly mess with my sleeping schedule, it throws off my circadian rhythm every week. Mostly because I'm one of those people who can't come home strait from work and go right to bed. I just can't do it.

This is extremely frustrating.

Then you factor in the time I want to spend with my kid, writing a blog, making a somewhat healthy lunch, picking up the house, and my own personal time to read or watch television shows that do not have colorful monsters. I am starting to understand why some parents check out.

A week ago, during work, we visited a house where the next door neighbor literally told her son and daughter (the oldest was around six) to go outside and play. Play where? They lived in an apartment complex, so obviously they played in the parking lot. Seriously.

I'm not ready to check out like that. I may even be days where I'm ready to, but there is no way in you-know-where that I'll do that.

It could be that I'm blaming a lot on my work schedule where I need more self-discipline. I'll admit that. Maybe I should force myself to go to bed early. I don't know.

Whatever the case may be, I'm learning more and more that taking the time to just manage my time is taking up too much time.

So I'm going back to bed. Evie can play with the dog, right?

I'm only kidding!