Friday, April 23, 2010

Meema Kaye and Papa Neil Came to Visit

This past week my mother- and father-in-law have been visiting and helping out with Evelyn. To say they've helped "a lot" or "plenty" would be an understatement. It's like things are running like a well oiled - albeit still squawking at 3:30 in the morning - machine.

It's also just been nice having them here. If nothing else, the insanity of having guests has broken up the insanity of just being the two of us and the baby.

Kaye, my mother-in-law, has helped Jennifer with things around the house and Neil, my father-in-law, has taken my place as the only male in the home to change diapers. Which, I've got to tell you, has felt like a glorious vacation.

It seems like I've had more poop on my hands the past few weeks than in the entirety of the last 28 years of my life combined.

Okay, that may be a lie, but the fact remains that I somehow end up with "Evie droppings" on a finger while folding up a diaper. Either her poop is secretly alive and trying to eat me, or her diapers are messier than they look.

I swear, if it's trying to eat me I will not stand for it.

Also, one thing we have discovered is that a quick way to get our daughter to sleep is sticking her in the car and going for a short drive. We went out to eat with Kaye and Neil yesterday and while in the car, Evelyn slept well with very little fussing.

Maybe from now on at 3 am we can just stick her in the car and go to a Denny's. I don't know if it'd work, but if I'm hungry for a Grand Slam sometime in the wee hours of the night, I'll let you know how it goes.

Yesterday, Neil and I watched Evie while Jen and Kaye went to do laundry. Had Jack never been neutered, we could have made the "3 Men and a Baby" joke, but there's no way I'm "Tom Selleck" enough to pull that off. And Jack's a dog. So that joke was dumb.

Anyway, the past week has been fun. Evelyn has really seemed to enjoy being passed around from parent to grandparent and back again. Even if she hasn't, I know we certainly have had a good time.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I think there's a poop-monster somewhere in dire need of a talking to.