Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Today we're off work. It's election day.

Its a pretty busy day and yet I make time to blog. Because, for some of you, this is all you have to make the murky waters of your life glisten with clarity. Or you're bored and have nothing else to do.

Which is where i currently am as I wait for the time to take Evie to daycare to approach... hence my writing.

Starting out the day, we cancelled our cable subscription. Kept our internet. Why did we do this? To save money. We recently bought a Roku box so that we could just watch t.v. over the internet. When its all said and done, we're actually saving about a hundred dollars a month. Well, sixty right now, but when our bill goes up in June, our cable bill would be so high, we'd actually be saving a hundred. We did the math.

Also today, we're going to go look at buying a new vehicle. The ol' Chevy is still running fine, but we're planning on... wait for it... expanding our family.

Not right now. Ain't nobody preggers up in here!

But we want to be within the year. So, new car that'll fit at least two car seats.

If we have twins we're up poop creek without paddles, a canoe, or water. That's right, we're just in a huge ditch if we have twins. A ditch the shape of a minivan we'd have to buy.

Minivan. I hate the word. As I hate hell, all Montagues and the people at Fox who cancelled Firefly.

It was a great show!

So we're just going to look today. And maybe buy. It depends on how the tides of money drift as we haggle and negotiate and barter.

I wonder if I promised to throw in a hound dog if he'd knock a few hundred more off the price. Wait... trading vehicles isn't like trading guns and fishing poles? My dad has really skewed my perception of the bartering process!

What if I threw in some steel traps? Like, for catching beavers? A few 3/30s and we've got ourselves a deal, sir!

Okay. If you don't get that last line, you are not related to anyone who has ever fur trapped. If you do, I know you're laughing hysterically.

But here's the big news. We may be renting/buying a house. I don't want to jump the gun, but that's the plan. We're going to rent for a year with the option to buy. At least, that's what the guy selling the house seemed to indicate last night when we talked on the phone. Its a great deal, if/when we do decide to buy it, and I think this is a good thing.

While it also means I'll basically be staying in probation for the rest of my life, or at least for the next few years, I think I'm okay with that. No, I am. Its what's going to help us get our bills paid and the future of our family needs stability. There's nothing wrong with getting involved in a church and teaching Sunday School, or even youth pastoring or sponsoring in my free time.

I don't really look at it as giving up on a dream or anything, either. Because my dream has always been to be a great dad and a great husband, and whatever else - where my career is concerned - is secondary. To me, fulfilling the calling of being a husband and dad is more important than preaching, teaching, and working in a church. If you can't pastor your family, how can you hope to pastor a hundred other people?

Some people may disagree with this, but frankly, I don't care what they think. I'd rather be a good dad in a stable job than a mediocre dad who has the job he dreamed of.

So yeah, lots of changes heading our way. Change of vision, change of home, change of cars... CHA-CHA-CHA-CHANGES!!!

Now that song is stuck in your head but you can't remember the words. You're welcome.