Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Potty Time!

So one of the signs of a kid being ready to potty train - or so I've heard - is that they start taking their diaper off at random times because they don't like the feel of a stinky a diaper on their bum.

We have reached this time. Again. I think.

See, the thing is a while back, Evie started doing this in her crib. We thought, "hooray, time to poop like normal and save money on diapers and wipes and other things that do with your kid pooping not in a toilet!"

Unfortunately, as quickly as things seemed like they were headed for awesome-no-more-poopy-butt-town (No, not a real place, don't Mapquest that), the diapers started staying on and my daughter started crying when we tried to sit her on the toilet.

Now, I've well documented our attempts at potty training in the past - or at least I have tried and probably didn't accomplish it as well as I would like - but basically just imagine your kid not doing what you want them to. Specifically speaking, pooping where you don't want them to poop. Or pee. Whatever. You know what I'm getting at.

Well, here we are again. The diapers are coming off and this time around she's sitting comfortably on the potty. This crossroads... smells... familiar...

Here's to hope!