Friday, March 26, 2010

Or It Is Like Bozo Just Stole My Bike

So now that things have calmed down from Monday's big news, we are getting more and more anxious to see our daughter - to meet her for the first time.

It has been a frustrating week, and I think the expectation of having our baby this past Monday has put a cloud of frustration over our house the likes of which many may never understand.

I will do my best to explain it the only way I know I can.

Allow me to paint the picture...

We barely slept the night before in our excitement for our brand-new bike, only to awake on December 25th and find there is no bicycle waiting for us. After unwrapping gift after gift of sweater vests and that big giant pink bunny suit which only made the day worse, we sit sullenly by ourselves in the corner more interested in the empty boxes than the opened gifts.

We've seen the movies where a father waits to the last second to deliver his final gift to his children and thus ushering in that happy ending. So we stare up our dad with those big puppy dog eyes, expecting him to say something like, "Oh, I almost forgot, check behind the desk." Then realize we don't even have a desk.

We wait for our mother to unexpectedly leave the room and come rolling in that beautiful Schwinn bicycle the likes we've only seen Bozo give away to those children who are lucky enough to land a ping-pong ball within that last bucket, but mom just sits there munching on her Christmas candy.

Finally, realizing that the air of depression has ruined Christmas dad sits down beside us and says, "I know you wanted a bicycle, but this time you're going to have to wait until your birthday."

Our birthday is another 11 months away.

That, my friends, is what it feels like after believing yourself to be delivering your first child, then to find out you just peed.

But just like the bicycle that we were too small to ride in the first place, just like the cliché says, "anything worth having is worth waiting for," we continue to wait.


We had our doctor's appointment yesterday with another ultrasound. Doctor Bryant who, again I feel I must say, is probably the best "baby-doctor" the world has ever seen, could not get a good measurement on Evelyn's leg as she is now trying to be a gymnast and stretch her body into impossible positions (limbering up for a big jump, I'm thinking). Because of this, we can not know her current weight.

However, our good doctor said that her head and stomach have definitely grown and she looks healthy.

As far as dilation and everything else? Yeah, nothing's changed.

We would be extremely happy if she were to come today, but should she wait and pop out on, or after, her due date we will just be happy to have her healthy and here.