Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Prep Time

Now that we're in the final days - no, not talking about the Rapture here - the final days of what I have started calling "the Baby Launch," we have started in our preparation.

Last night we obtained (according to my wife) the most vital piece of furniture: a dresser. It was free and I'm glad. Not because it wasn't worth anything, it's actually kind of nicer than I expected, but because I really didn't want to pay for another thing that will no doubt become a "catch-all." You know, a piece of furniture you pile stuff on when you don't know where else to put it.

But it's good and will get the job done. And, if memory serves correctly, the first piece of furniture my wife and I ever drew on with our markers, pens, pencils, crayons, and so on were our dressers. Yes, both of us.

However, I would argue that my art was better and somewhat resembled something like a balloon animal guerrilla, whereas Jennifer's squiggly lines were no doubt some unknown language spoken by a lost civilization.

I know this because her family still has her old dresser, and I vaguely reimagined mine to look better.

To change the topic a little, Jennifer has been very pleased with the results of the new ultrasound we received last Friday that she has shown everyone the new pictures. I can tell she's really excited to get to meet the baby.

Which brings me back to the preparation. I'm not sure if she has completed her "mommy bag" for when she goes into labor, or even her "labor bag" (I state them as two different sacks of stuff because apparently women must need a bag crammed full of things when giving birth - even though they won't use a fifth of the things in them - and a bag for after the baby has traversed from the womb to the world). Either way, I am making sure that I will have a "daddy bag" crammed full of things I will need for both the labor process (snacks and drinks I may consume without her seeing me, because she won't be able to eat lest she vomit) and things to do afterwards (my PSP, a good book, maybe a car charger for my phone and anything else that will help me keep my sanity after my wife displays all kinds of crazy in that room).

I know I keep saying it, but I'm looking forward to meeting my baby girl.