Friday, March 12, 2010

A Lot Can Happen Since Tuesday

Disregard the improper grammar in today's title.

Not a lot of things have happened, actually. Just a few. For instance, yesterday was pretty big.

We had a doctor appointment in the morning in which they subjected my wife to the type of treatment only victims of alien abduction are somewhat accustomed to experiencing. The intern swabbed her parts and stuck fingers in odd places - I truly don't know where because, not only do I have a hard time watching human beings being tortured, I was trying to listen to the doctor explain exactly what was going on.

Hours later, I seriously asked myself, "What did she say?" I have no idea because I had one eye watching the doctor talk and one eye on the odd torture the intern was performing. I truly felt bad for my wife.

When it was over, though, we found out that she is one centimeter dilated.

Truthfully, this is something else foreign to me. Because in my mind, dilated is bad. Dilated means the baby is on its way. But the doctor put my mind at ease saying that it is all perfectly normal and she could be that way for some time.

I thought being dilated would be uncomfortable, but Jen didn't even know it was going on. So I guess everything's good. But if that baby falls out through a "one centimeter" hole, I'm going to have to have a serious talk with that intern.

Also on Thursday, we took our very last birthing class. There's not a lot I can say about this other than I'm glad it is over. Finally, last night, I actually had a chance to speak with the other dad's to be, and I think we all expressed our joy to be done with the whole ordeal.

One mother pointed out to Jennifer and I that our instructor (also named Jennifer) really loves the skeleton pelvis that she used for some of her illustrations. So, of course, I couldn't pass up the chance to mock the instructor by slinging the pelvis over my shoulder and wearing it as a hat.

A good time was had by all.

Today, something else happened that was pretty fascinating. One of Jennifer's coworkers paid for us to have a second 3D and 4D ultrasound. With it, we got pictures and a DVD.

I wasn't able to be there, since Jennifer had to go over her lunch hour, but I did get to see the DVD, with footage of our little Evelyn rubbing her nose and even smiling. I have to say, my daughter definitely looks like my wife - and thank God for that!

Jen thought I was being kind of hard on myself, but as I told her, I just never thought I would look good as a girl.